Wednesday 26 September 2012

October Half Term Timetable

The timetable of workshops for October Half Term is now online. There are lots of exciting classes planned, I am especially looking forward to the Hallowe'en workshops!

You can see the full timetable over on the website here.

There is a definite autumn chill in the air, the leaves are already turning and I am just baking some gingerbread. It's a new recipe for the winter edition of Playground magazine but I'll share it here later too! In the meantime as it's nearly pumpkin season I was looking back at last year's post, Pumpkin - the no waste vegetable! and making plans for autumn soups...

Tuesday 18 September 2012

New Magazine - The Simple Things

I was excited to arrive back from holiday and find issue one of The Simple Things waiting on my doormat. It is a brand new magazine from the publishers of Mollie Makes and although I spend a lot of time these days reading articles and blogs online you can't beat a proper paper magazine; sitting down in a comfortable chair, away from the computer with a cup of tea and a slice of cake with no distractions!

Autumn always makes me feel like spending more time at home. I love this season for getting back into the kitchen, trying out new recipe ideas gathered on my travels over the summer, sewing, knitting again and finally getting around to the DIY jobs that have been on my to do list since spring but somehow didn't seem as important in the summer months.

The Simple Things is the perfect companion to this autumn mood as it celebrates the small things that make a difference in the longer term. There are articles about the Slow Food movement, markets to explore, specialist producers and shops, gardening, seasonal recipes and crafts and decorating ideas to try.

What I like best is that the focus is not on shopping and spending money to make improvements but on rediscovering simple pleasures and making small changes to enjoy life a little bit more. I will definitely be trying the spice cake with rhubarb recipe, though perhaps with some pears, and it has reminded me to plant some bulbs now to cheer me up next spring!